Over the past years and decades, Gebr. FALLER GmbH has launched various product series that have successfully established themselves as independent hobbies within model making. They include the fairground model making sector or Car System and Car System Digital, two intuitive vehicle and traffic control systems that animate model layouts in an impressive way.

FALLER CREATE fits effortlessly into this mix. The online tool allows you to create building models according to your own ideas. Without software installation or prior knowledge, you design and construct the model you want on your home computer. FALLER then produces a high-quality, unique example using a 3D printing process and sends it to you by post.

FALLER CREATE – The new function guide

– All questions and answers about the 3D printing software in one manual

Von 15 bis 18:30 Uhr

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Kreuzstraße 9 
78148 Gütenbach 







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Dann melde Dich gerne bei Raffaela Stern
oder Melanie Hofmeier 

07723-651 0



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